End Catholic Celibacy

I heard in the news today… that Catholic Priests in Pennsylvania just got busted for sexually abusing over 1000 children, and even using the church buildings to film pornography.
This is far from the first time that a similar scandal bubbles to the surface. When living in France I remember hearing news of an even larger network of Catholic pedophiles that had been operating on an island for centuries.
Catholic Priests and Nuns are forbidden from having wives and husbands: they make a vow of celibacy.
Do Protestants also get involved in such horrid behaviors?
Certainly not.
Unsurprisingly, Protestantism was born after the Dark Age as a bloody rebellion against the Catholic Church which was ruling Europe through it\’s powerful, centralized leader: the Pope.
The Pope was a role created in 313 by the Caesar Constantine to centralize the power of that new religion, which he adopted and appropriated in a brilliant attempt to appease those who were rebelling against the totalitarian rule of the Roman empire. He stole the very means by which people were willing to sacrifice their own lives (literally thrown to the lions) to protest the slavery that all but the richestg endured for generations.
Jesus had spoken up against the Roman empire and was crucified by the very same people who crowned the Pope.
Centuries later, St Augustine cleansed his reputation from his depraved past and became the poster child of Catholic guilt and repression when he invented the concept of original sin.
Ever since, sexual guilt and repression have helped confuse, dis-empower and control people.
The unnatural repression that Catholic Priests endure by vowing celibacy is resulting in unnatural and horribly perverted behavior that our children are paying for, not the Church nor the Pope.
Rather than simply point fingers at the guilty individuals and continue to pretend the problem will disappear with them, it is time we address the truth. These scandals are not coincidence.
It is time the Catholic Church put an end to celibacy vows.
Evidence that lack of preferred sexual opportunities lead to sexual conduct deemed as deviant by the participants:
Photo by Nacho Arteaga on Unsplash


Picture of Adal Bermann

Adal Bermann

My vision is to help our species heal from trauma and evolve beyond suffering. To support this goal, I founded coach.today which utilizes technology to empower coaches, so that they may empower others to grow and love fully.

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